Friday, December 9, 2022

I can't get away from this man

Having travelled 4,000 miles away I really don't think I can get away from Ontario Politics. we live with many nearby Canadians, although many do not come from Ontario they all know about Doug Ford and his wrecking ball. 

With a subscription to the Toronto Star and daily reads of various blogs I can keep up. What I read doesn't make me a happy person. His latest outrage is Bill 39 - the Bill that allows Toronto to be governed by minority rule. The Mayor can pass bylaws with only a one third of the votes of the Council. A total affront to democracy as we know it.

I have known many people of different political stripes in my lifetime and have discovered that most of the people who populate the 'right' side of the spectrum do not believe in complete democracy. They want 'to get things' done and if the means gets the ends they really don't think that minority rule is a bad thing. In fact most of them want to be ruled by a 'benign dictator'!

So it is no surprise that Doug Ford (DoFo) is of this ilk. However the thing that interests me is the response to Bill 39. The Mayor of Toronto has been 'outed' as the person who asked for this amendment, the original Bill did not have it. The only other Mayor (of Ottawa) with the same powers has stated that he will not use it; but we have to see if he does.

The Voters do not understand this and will probably remain ignorant until it is used against them, but then little could be done after the fact.

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